The Attitude of Customer Service

When I do business with someone I expect them to give me a reason to return. If they don't give me a reason to return, it is very unlikely that I will.
Today's market is full of OPTIONS! I don't have to do business with you, I can go to your competitor. So give me a reason to return to do business with you. This may sound demanding, but that isn't my intention. What I am looking for is evidence that you want my business. You realize that your business wouldn't be in business if it weren't for me, the customer.
My passion for outstanding costomer service began taking root when I was 16. The week I turned 16 I got my first job at the golden arches. Yes, McDonalds restaurant. I had the great fortune of working for one of the best restaurant owners I have come across in my lifetime. Hugh McHugh ran that McDonalds like it was a fine-dining restaurant. He had high standards of excellence and he expected every employee to practice them. What I learned from Mr. McHugh was the importance of little things like a smile, a sincere greeting, using the right words, communication with your co-workers, etc. To this day if I make change for someone I say "One dollar and ninety-two cents" as opposed to "one ninety-two" or "here's your change". Some may question why that would matter. I suppose to some degree it really doesn't matter. Yet it is establishing a level of excellence. It says, "we care enough about you to speak properly." Its really about the attitude that is communicated by those little things.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Take note!

In Elkhart, Indiana we have a very large hispanic population. The Latino owned businesses are everywhere. As a lover of Mexican food, I often find myself in the taquerias and markets.
Sadly there is still prejudice alive and well in Indiana. Often I hear comments about "the Mexicans". There is a stigma attached to their businesses as if they are someplace to avoid and be afraid of. I couldn't disagree more!

My frequent experiences at these Hispanic owned businesses has been nothing but fantastic! The level of customer service provided should be a model for most of the "American" owned businesses in my area.

The service provided at Ricky's Burritos on Prairie St. in Elkhart is the best I have had in years. They are fast, personable, efficient and knowledgeable. I wish McDonalds and Burger King could say the same!